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Unleash the Power of Team Collaboration

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Departments across organisations of any size need to be able to effectively collaborate and communicate together.

It’s an integral part of the digital transformation process.

From the junior members of an organisation to the most senior, effective communication is vital, because once communication starts to fail, departmental performance is put at risk.

Internally, organisations must continually evolve, because the external environment is constantly changing.  Technology is driving customer expectations and we, as organisations must always look to perform better, so we’re able to meet and exceed those expectations.


Linking the organisational capabilities together transforms teams to deliver effective and desired outcomes.


Invest in technology worth investing in

Workforces need to be able to operate flexibly and securely.  Once teams of people are in different locations at any one time, communication can become fragmented and intermittent.  Move teams away from communicating via WhatsApp and over to fully integrated communications that allow them to collaborate across different locations and time zones, share files, have conversations and make audio and video calls.  All securely and collaboratively.

It takes some investment, but allowing employees to be able to continually add value to the organisation they are working in, ultimately adds value to the entire organisation.  Make team collaboration a priority so everyone feels a part of the action.


Make collaborative technologies a part of everyday work life

Sharing experiences and ideas on how specific processes can be optimised improves the overall outcome.

It also increases productivity.

The best ideas can arise from where you would least expect it.

Organisations must adapt, change and grow in order to work smarter, faster and more productively.

Effective teams achieve the desired outcomes faster and lessen the need for frequent meetings.  Those meetings that do take place tend to be more productive because of the improved communication that has taken place prior to the meetings themselves.


Implementing the right collaborative technologies

Unified Calls and Communications

Merge communications into one effective solution, linking to the cloud, so employees can access everything they need to, at a time that suits them best.

They can respond to colleagues, team members and third parties quickly and efficiently joining the dots, so to speak, for a seamless way of working and collaborating across multiple devices.

VoIP Solutions

VoIP solutions are easily scaled up or down to suit an organisation’s requirements and have the ability to be deployed or relocated quickly to anywhere in the world.

Cloud Solutions

Cloud solutions are a fundamental aspect to effective team collaboration.  Cloud technology creates a culture of innovation and creativity where teams of people can gain access to multiple applications on different platforms.  They’re secure and flexible to organisational requirements.


Effective team collaboration is a long term process that shares knowledge, ideas and expertise across departments.

What is the point of having knowledge if we’re not able to share it?


Fifteen Group design, deliver and support technology solutions to make organisations Smarter through Technology.



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