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Link your locations together with site to site wireless

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Site to site wireless, also known as point to point wireless is a flexible and scalable solution to standard lease lines.  When you are looking at options especially when you are growing as a business or looking to hold regular outdoor events, point to point wireless is well worth considering.


Why would you choose to have site to site wireless?

  • It connects two or more locations/buildings together to provide one single network
  • To increase your high speed connectivity or alternatively obtain high speed connectivity
  • Where you need to connect multiple sites and leased lines or direct cabling are not an option
  • To provide a temporary site link


Benefits of site to site wireless

  • No wires
  • Reduces your operating and initial installation costs
  • If you’re experiencing any environmental barriers, then this overcomes them
  • Upgradable speeds
  • One reliable network without the need to install cables underground or invest in a high speed fibre link between sites

We serve a variety of industry sectors with telecommunications and IT solutions that are the perfect fit for the business they are in.  We only advise on the best solution and we work to deliver the best possible result for you and your business. 




When you choose Fifteen Digital to install your site to site wireless you will receive:

  • Out of office hours support
  • Rapid deployment for disaster recovery
  • Quick turnaround and installation
  • Award winning solutions and expertise
  • Exceptional customer service with:
    • No call queues
    • Direct contact with UK based technical support
    • Quick resolution of issues


We partner with the best in technology hardware to provide our clients with a complete technology solution.

For Fifteen Digital’s complete range of products and services, browse the rest of our website.

For more information on this service, please contact a member of Team Fifteen who will be happy to assist



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