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Know your WiFi. Know your customers

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A good quality WiFi service gives you the competitive edge.

Many industry sectors including healthcare, hospitality all use WiFi to support business growth and transformation.

Whether you need to provide access to the internet for your customers, patients, or students, a reliable WiFi service has many benefits:
• Improvement of the customer experience
• Reinforcement of the brand and brand values
• Increased effectiveness of the business
• Productivity improvements
• Data collation

So, if you’re pondering over the wireless network for your organisation ask yourself these key questions:

  • What do you and what will you be using the network for?
  • Do you require a guest/registration portal?
  • How many sites do you have?
  • How many users/devices will be connected to the WiFi at any one time?

Did you know …

71% of all mobile communications flow over WiFi
94% of people state WiFi as the most important amenity in their business organisation
69% of UK companies see guest WiFi as essential to business growth
60% of carrier network traffic will be offloaded to WiFi in 2017

Is your business now in a place to offer the WiFi your customers want?

Making sure your WiFi is secure and reliable is of paramount importance.

WiFi Engage

Increase revenue opportunities by helping to understand your customers better.
Anyone on the network can be transformed into specific marketable demographics.
With WiFi Engage, you’ll be able to have:

  • Customisable registration details
  • Specific device and browser information
  • Location information
  • Customer visits and behaviour information
  • Accurate statistics and data
  • User acceptance policy enforcement

WiFi Connect

This provides the core components to deliver the WiFi network. This includes:

  • Access points
  • Managed switch
  • Hosted cloud WiFi controller
  • Wireless surveys
  • Cabling and infrastructure
  • Configuration and implementation
  • Support and maintenance
  • Consultancy and design

WiFi Protect

Wi-Fi protect is a DNS based security filtering system for public and enterprise network environments.
It is a cloud solution and can be applied without any changes to the end client software, group policy or configurations.
Security is delivered at the DNS layer using the internet’s existing infrastructure to keep malware from compromising your systems and stop botnets or phishing from putting your customer’s data at risk.
Fifteen Group ensure secure and compliant internet access to protect your customers, brand and company.

WiFi Manage

This offers a variety of support management and delivery services, including hardware pre-configurations as standard with optional services such as installation.


Fifteen Group provide a full range of WiFi solutions. If you would like further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

With Fifteen Group, you’re always Smarter through Technology.



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