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Free Wi-Fi Can Really Boost Your Business

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Free Wi-Fi really is one of life’s little luxuries, wouldn’t you agree?

Whether working on the road during the week or enjoying some family time at your favourite restaurant, free public Wi-Fi enhances your experience and makes your stay enjoyable.

It is delivered over a virtual private network (VPN) making it secure and private, so there is no need to worry that your information is at risk while you’re using it or that your customer’s data is either.

With multiple benefits for both customer and business, there has never been a better time to embrace what free Wi-Fi has to offer.


  1. Capitalise on flexible working. Many businesses are now adopting flexible working policies like Bring Your Own Device where employees work from their personal devices such as a smartphone or tablet away from the workplace. Venues that offer free Wi-Fi are extremely popular with this type of flexible working.
  2. Accumulation of customer data. As customers have to register their details in return for free Wi-Fi, the amount of marketing data businesses can accumulate is endless. The opportunities from this data are huge. Targeting products and services and understanding your customers better are just a couple of the many ways data can be used effectively.
  3. Reinforcement of brand. Every time someone goes to log in to the free Wi-Fi, they see your branded landing page. This increases the recognition they have for your brand, website and what you as a company stand for.
  4. Increased time spent on premises. Businesses that offer free Wi-Fi see an increase in the amount of time customers spend on their premises. This doesn’t mean that they simply sit there working and not buying. They continue to buy drinks and snacks during their stay.
  5. Put your business on the map. Offering free Wi-Fi boosts your business in the google rankings and increases visibility in google maps. Individuals search for premises offering free Wi-Fi as they’re travelling out and about.
  6. Attracts new customers. As people search for venues that offer free Wi-Fi, venues can attract new customers and a new audience.
  7. Failure to offer can be damaging. As mentioned above, people select venues on the basis that they offer free Wi-Fi. To not offer this can be damaging in a world where it is considered to be ‘the norm.’

Installing a free public Wi-Fi service at your premises is simple and inexpensive.

Fifteen Group offer public Wi-Fi as an integral part of our comprehensive broadband service.

We are always happy to talk through any concerns or specific requirements you may have.


For more information, please do not hesitate to give us a call on 01782 326 644

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