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Data: Use it, protect it, don’t lose it!

Whether you are a manufacturing business, retail business or a public sector organisation, we are all operating digitally, and the data you have is unique to your business.

We are all part of a digital business.

Your data is your business’ biggest asset and holds vital information, some of which includes:

  • Contact details
  • User information
  • Buyer behaviour
  • Financial information

And so on …


Business data should be part of the overall company and IT strategy and employees need to be fully aware of the value and importance of data collection and protection.


Security of data

The privacy and security of your data should be of paramount importance, because for hackers, data is money and although individual businesses don’t often see it in those terms, your data is invaluable and must be protected.  The recent NHS cyber attack showed exactly why data security should be everyone’s priority.


  • Private sector organisations
  • Public sector organisations
  • Charitable organisations
  • Voluntary sector



As recent years have passed, gone are the amateur hackers and today sees sophisticated hackers that are able to cause real and very long lasting damage.

Your data is your biggest asset, so why wouldn’t you make sure it is protected?

According to The Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2017, that was published in April, the most common types of breaches that occurred are:

  • Fraudulent emails (72%)
  • Viruses, spyware and malware (33%)
  • Impersonating the organisation in emails or online (27%)
  • Ransomware (17%)

The survey highlighted a range of factors that drive home the importance of cyber security for businesses, including:

  • The specific threat of ransomware, which has underscored the value of any electronic data that businesses hold, not just personal or financial data
  • Having a senior individual in charge of cyber security – someone who can have direct contact with senior managers and can influence decision-making within the business
  • Board members being educated on the topic, enabling them to share knowledge and best practice across the different businesses they are involved in
  • People being more exposed to cyber attacks, such as phishing scams, in their personal lives


Protect your Business

  • Back up your data on secure servers in a secure location
  • Use an online off site back up
  • Make sure your systems can then be restored in the event of any disaster occurring 


Be Data Compliant

If your organisation uses, processes or transfers personal data, you must:

  • Legally adhere to the strict data protection laws
  • Ensure data is kept up to date and is accurate
  • Not keep data longer than is necessary
  • Protect data against accidental loss or destruction


Fifteen Group provide a range of data solutions ensuring your business data is secure and protected. 

Use it, protect it, don’t lose it!

We ensure you are always Smarter through Technology

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