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Be Prepared for the Unexpected

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On a daily basis, we all get caught up the necessary business activities that take up so much of our time.

Documents are created, amended, saved and emailed to key contacts – internally and externally.

Specific data is required for individual departments.

We all become accustomed to being able to readily access important and critical data, whenever it is required.

We take it for granted that it will always be there, whenever that information is needed.

What, however, would you do if the unthinkable happened?

And all that data is lost.


Nearly all businesses would be at a loss as to what to do and where to turn for assistance, because they don’t consider their data to be their biggest business asset.

However, your data IS your biggest business asset and therefore should be treated as such.


Data Loss

It’s a common perception that data loss is caused by external threats or attacks.  However, as much as two thirds of reported cases (UK Statistics 2016) can be caused by human error.

Some common causes of data loss include:

  • Power outages
  • Natural disasters. For example, flooding
  • Equipment failures
  • Human error, including deletion of data
  • Software crashes
  • Damage to a computer


A Disaster Recovery Plan for the Unthinkable

Every organisation should have a disaster recovery plan, where it should detail how the data is recovered and the estimated amount of time it would take.

Analysis of such requirements can help an organisation understand its requirements and help minimise any potentially serious impact that a loss of data would have.  It would also highlight whether enough stringent controls are in place over the use and storage of sensitive data.

It would provide:

  • A full report on your company’s current IT infrastructure and methods.
  • Comprehensive backup of data both on and off site.
  • Virtual servers that can have your data and productivity software ready for use while your own servers are being replaced.


When the Unthinkable Happens – Data Recovery

The software on many desktop and laptops allow the user to restore lost files themselves, depending on the type of damage caused to that specific hardware.  When it is a corrupted database that has resulted in the loss of data, this can be a much more complicated matter and often requires the assistance and intervention of an IT company.

Online and offsite backup solutions prevent data loss even in the event of the total destruction of all your office IT systems.

  • Data is backed up on secure servers in a secure location.
  • Your systems are restored in the event of any disaster occurring.
  • Reassurance that your data is always secure and available when you need it.

Whatever the amount of data your organisation has, make sure you are have a backup solution to suit your requirements.


Fifteen Digital provide thorough and in-depth disaster recovery plans in the event of loss of critical company data.

Talk to us today and discover solutions for your business that will ultimately protect it and provide complete peace of mind.

Use it, protect it and don’t lose it.

Be prepared for the unexpected and always be Smarter through Technology.

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