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Top tips when reviewing your cyber security

October marks cyber security awareness month which is always a good time to take stock of how strong your defences are.

Have you reviewed your cyber security recently?

Reports of a major data breach are never far from the news headlines, but the smaller incidents go unreported.  However, their significance can never be understated.

We’re urging businesses to use this opportunity to review the measures you have in place and whether adequate training to spot potential threats has been provided to your workforce.

What are the objectives of cyber security awareness month?

Promote safer online practices – To encourage individuals and organisations to adopt best practices for protecting their data and systems.

Raise awareness about cyber threats – To educate people on the various cyber threats they may face, such as phishing, malware, ransomware, and identity theft.

Empower individuals and businesses – To provide useful resources, training, and guidance to help individuals and organisations strengthen their cyber security.

Encourage collective action – To highlight the importance of everyone’s role in maintaining cybersecurity, from individuals to large organisations.

So, how can you ensure you are doing what you can to protect your business and its data?

Tip 1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Create strong passwords which combine letters, numbers, and symbols or use a password manager to create and store complex passwords securely.

Tip 2: Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification for multiple platforms.

Tip 3: Be Wary of Phishing Scams

Understand the common signs of phishing emails and messages and make sure you reinforce to staff members the need to double-check email addresses, avoid clicking on suspicious links, and verify requests for personal information through official channels.

Tip 4: Keep Software and Devices Updated

It’s essential that operating systems, apps, and antivirus software are kept up to date to protect against vulnerabilities.  Enable automatic updates and regularly check for updates on all devices.

Tip 5: Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks can put data at risk.  Use strong encryption and regularly update the router firmware.

Tip 6: Backup Your Data Regularly

Regular backups are essential to recover from any ransomware attacks or hardware failures and limits the impact should the worst happen. Use cloud back ups or external hard drives for automatic and secure backups.

Tip 7: Use Antivirus and Firewall Protection

Antivirus software and firewalls help detect and block malicious activities.  Make sure you have the support of an IT company who partner with cyber security providers and can advise on the best solutions.

Do you need cyber security advice?

Contact to us today for a no obligation chat.  

We’re always here to ensure you’re Smarter through Technology.

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